Trinn 1 (A2-B1)
The exam is written and oral, lasts 3 hours with a grading scale from A to F. Each part is autonomous and is calibrated with 50% of the final performance
The Trinn patents is d graded with a grading scale from A to F. If the candidate performance are:
- A, secures level B1
- B or C, secures level A2
The transition to the next level (TRINN2) requires a grade in the exams greater than or equal to D.
The exams are held exclusively in Athens with two exam periods each year, May and November.
Trinn 2 (B1-B2)
The exam is written and oral, lasts 3 hours with a grading scale from A to F. Each part is autonomous and is calibrated with 50% of the final performance
The Trinn patents is d graded with a grading scale from A to F. If the candidate performance are:
- A, secures level B1
- B or C, secures level B2
The transition to the next level (TRINN3) requires a grade in the exams greater than or equal to D.
The exams are held exclusively in Athens with two exam periods each year, May and November.
Trinn 3 (B2-C1)
The exam is written and oral, lasts 3 hours with a grading scale from A to F. Each part is autonomous and is calibrated with 50% of the final performance
The Trinn patents is d graded with a grading scale from A to F. If the candidate performance are:
- A, secures level B2
- B or C, secures level C1
The exams are held exclusively in Athens with two exam periods each year, May and November.
The Bergenstesten is the highest degree in Norwegian language, culture and sociology.
The written test is designed for foreigners intending to apply for admission to a Norwegian university or college, as well as for Norwegian citizens who have graduated from secondary schools abroad and for job seekers in Norway (eg doctors, teachers and non-medical Those who are required to prove their Norwegian language skills
The oral test is designed primarily for healthcare professionals and other foreigners who are required to prove their language skills at an advanced level when applying for a job in N or.