Is your child between 8 and 12 years old and learning French?
DELF Prim is a Degree in Language Learning awarded by the French Ministry of Education (France Éducation International) which ensures its pedagogical and administrative management.
The DELF Prim includes 3 levels:
A1.1, A1 and A2, which correspond to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CECRL).
Why recommend DELF Prim to your child?
Because in this way, he is given the opportunity to show his skills in French, to be rewarded for his work at school and to get used to the exams from the very first year of learning French.
This way, you will be able to monitor his progress as well as prepare him for the exams of the various levels of DELF throughout his studies.
The holder of the diplomas A1 PRIM – A2 PRIM is at the same time the holder of these levels and does not appear in the exams for the respective A1, A2 junior.
DELF Prim is a Degree in Language Learning awarded by the French Ministry of Education (France Éducation International) which ensures its pedagogical and administrative management.
The DELF Prim includes 3 levels:
A1.1, A1 and A2, which correspond to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CECRL).
Why recommend DELF Prim to your child?
This way, you will be able to monitor his progress as well as prepare him for the exams of the various levels of DELF throughout his studies.
The holder of the diplomas A1 PRIM – A2 PRIM is at the same time the holder of these levels and does not appear in the exams for the respective A1, A2 junior.
DELF Prim is a Degree in Language Learning awarded by the French Ministry of Education (France Éducation International) which ensures its pedagogical and administrative management.
The DELF Prim includes 3 levels:
A1.1, A1 and A2, which correspond to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CECRL).
Why recommend DELF Prim to your child?
This way, you will be able to monitor his progress as well as prepare him for the exams of the various levels of DELF throughout his studies.
The holder of the diplomas A1 PRIM – A2 PRIM is at the same time the holder of these levels and does not appear in the exams for the respective A1, A2 junior.
Level A1 of the European Common Reference Frame for languages
It certifies the basic knowledge of the French language which make possible the simple communication in familiar and everyday situations.
Niveau A2 du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues
It certifies the basic knowledge of the French language which make possible the simple communication in familiar and everyday situations.
Level B1 of the European Common Reference Frame for languages
Certifies the level of skills in dealing with everyday problems: ability to understand and participate in discussions of current issues, knowledge of vocabulary of about 2000 words and basic grammar, ability to orally and in writing presentation of information and texts.
Niveau B2 du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues
It certifies the good knowledge of the spoken French language and enables the correct written and oral expression in a variety of subjects.
The Examination Service for non-French speakers of the above University, operates by legislative decree since 1959 and proposes examinations that certify knowledge of French language, French literature and French culture.
The University of the Sorbonne (Paris IV) has the right since 1961 to issue five diplomas signed by the Rector of the Universities of Paris, the President of the University and the Chairman of the Committee-Director of the Examination Service of that University.
The Examination Service for non-French speakers of the above University, operates by legislative decree since 1959 and proposes examinations that certify knowledge of French language, French literature and French culture.
The University of the Sorbonne (Paris IV) has the right since 1961 to issue five diplomas signed by the Rector of the Universities of Paris, the President of the University and the Chairman of the Committee-Director of the Examination Service of that University.
State Graduate Certificate of Language Proficiency (CPG)
The examination system for the State Certificate of Language Proficiency (KPG), although aimed at Greek-speaking people, has a European orientation and adopts the principles set by the Council of Europe (CoE) and the European Commission (EU).
- The total of the questions of each single graded test allows to secure 200 credits, half of which come from the questions of the lowest level of difficulty (B1) and the rest from the questions of the highest level of difficulty (B2).
- Examiners who obtain a score from 60 to 119 are awarded a B1 certificate
- Examiners who obtain a score from 120 to 200 credits are awarded a B2 certificate, provided they have obtained a score equal to or greater than the following: First module 15 credits, second module 18 credits and third module 15 credits.
The examination that the candidate submits to be certified is of two types, depending on his / her age.
- Test for people aged 10 to 15 years
- Test for people 16 years and older.
DALF C1 (Diploma Approfondi de Langue Française)
Certifies the advanced level of the French language in official public and private organizations. DALF C1 certifying sufficient knowledge of the French language, gives the passport to foreign students, to do higher studies in most educational institutions in France and many French-speaking countries
Certifies the highest level of knowledge and proficiency of the French language. All holders of this diploma have the opportunity to apply for positions in postgraduate programs of French-speaking Universities, mainly in a positive direction.
Includes the following sections:
- Comprehension Ecrite et Production Ecrite (comprehension of literary text and written expression)
- Langue (language exercises)
- Literature
- Production Orale (oral expression)
Total exam duration is 4 hours and 30 minutes.
Total Score / 100.
Success score: 50/100.
(Provided that the candidate has received a score higher than 15/75 in the written and 5/25 in the oral examination).
The candidate has the opportunity to choose between the following areas:
- Literature
- Literature – History
- Literature – Translation
- Literature – European Union
Obtaining the SORBONNE C2 degree certifies the ability of the holder to pursue higher studies. The degree allows direct enrollment in French-speaking universities without the need for language proficiency tests.
Requires possession of French baccalaureat as well as Sorbonne C2. The holder acquires skills and analytical techniques, corresponding to the 1st and 2nd level of the 1st year of French Literature (LMD).
State Graduate Certificate of Language Proficiency (CPG)
The examination system for the State Certificate of Language Proficiency (KPG), although aimed at Greek-speaking people, has a European orientation and adopts the principles set by the Council of Europe (CoE) and the European Commission (EU).
- The total of the questions of each single graded test allows to secure 200 credits, half of which come from questions of the lowest level of difficulty (C1) and the rest from questions of the highest level of difficulty (C2).
- Subjects who obtain a score from 60 to 119 are awarded a C1 certificate
- Examiners who obtain a score from 120 to 200 credits are awarded a C2 certificate, provided they have obtained a score equal to or greater than the following: First module 15 credits, second module 18 credits and third module 15 credits.
The examination that the candidate submits to be certified is of two types, depending on his / her age.
- Test for people aged 10 to 15 years
- Test for people 16 years and older.